6001 This program installs DirectX runtime components.\nDo you want to continue?
6002 DirectX is not completely installed on your computer. Are you sure you want to quit setup?
6003 You must be running Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition,\nWindows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 family\nto install the DirectX 9.0.
6004 Setup is canceled.
6005 Setup could not download the file. Please retry later or check network connection.
6006 Setup could not download the file since the file to be downloaded is not valid.
6007 DirectX Setup
6008 Install DirectX runtime components
6009 Progress
6010 Please wait while Setup completes the following actions.
6011 Downloading Components
6012 Installing Components
6013 Downloading DirectX Runtime Components. This may take a few minutes...
6014 Searching for updated DirectX Runtime Components and updating as necessary. This may take a few minutes...
6015 Verdana Bold
6016 MS Shell Dlg
6017 Downloading %s ...
6018 Download size: %d.%d MB
6019 Download size: %d KB
6020 Estimated downloading time left: %02d:%02d:%02d
6021 Initializing...
6022 Extracting files...
6023 Copying files...
6024 Finalizing...
6025 Installing files...
6027 This pre-release version of DirectX has already expired. Please goto http://Microsoft.com/DirectX to get the latest released version DirectX., or to http://www.betaplace.com to get an updated pre-release version.
6028 DirectX setup - pre-release WARNING!!!
6029 This pre-release version of DirectX EXPIRES on %s!
6030 You will need to re-install Windows(R) if you do not have a valid DirectX BetaID and access to http://www.BetaPlace.com website when it expires!
6031 Would you like to continue with the installation of this pre-release version of DirectX?
6999 DirectX setup needs to restart your machine, press OK to restart now.
7000 DirectX setup has completed successfully.
7001 This version of DirectX is not compatible with the version of Windows currently installed.
7002 DirectX could not find a file necessary for installation.
7003 DirectX source file is incorrect.
7004 DirectX source file is incorrect.
7005 DirectX did not copy a required file.
7006 Not enough disk space available.\nDirectX needs approximately %dMB. You can increase available disk space by uninstalling applications or by deleting unneeded files.
7007 DirectX setup could not find a required inf file.
7008 DirectX setup could not locate a required directory.
7009 An internal error occured.\nPlease refer to directx.log in your Windows folder to determine problem.
7010 This version on NT does not support DirectX3D.
7011 An unknown operating system was found.
7012 User hit the cancel key.
7013 DirectX was not preinstalled on this version on NT.
7014 DirectX setup has determined that a newer version of DirectX is already installed.\nNo installation was necessary.
7015 Current logon user doesn't have the Administrator privilege.\nPlease logon again as an Administrator or contact your PC Administrator.
7016 Processor type is unsupported by DirectX 8.1.\nDirectX 8.1 supports Pentium-compatible and K6 class processors or higher.
7017 The Managed DirectX component cab file (ManagedDX.CAB) is missing from the DirectX redist directory.
7018 The Managed DirectX component requires the .NET Framework RC2 or newer version to be installed before DirectX. Please install the latest .NET Framework and then run DirectX setup again.
7019 Downloading a file necessary for installation failed. Please run setup again.
7020 Setup has detected one or more DirectX component files are in-use by an application. Please exit all applications before running DirectX setup again.
7021 A cabinet file necessary for installation cannot be trusted.